About Building This Site

This is the place to collect ideas about building the website. Most of the ideas are going to be in the form of brief messages written in and aggregated by FriendFeed.

The principal ideas are: integral and work space. I want to, as much as possible, move my work to a combination of desktop and web. I want an integrated space; not a single system because my choices are too idiosyncratic for someone else to produce just what I want, but a way of integrating the systems I use.

If I am going to use messages aggregated by FriendFeed they will be scattered throughout the website. But I need a list somewhere -- lest I forget what I have done. The list is on the left, and it can get longer and shorter as I go along.

#grbs my 'birth certificate' the search lists all micromessages #grbimc2009 these are messages written on the 2009 trip to IMC at Leeds
#grblearning this is a general collection which was my start on friendfeed aggregating short messages #grbhc09 archivist search for health care campaign of 2009 initiated by Obama team
#grblifestream thoughts about building a lifestream #grbdynamics notes when I was writing about tweets and North Korea and Chinese protest
#grbsitebuild ideas about building the website into a working site rather than just display #grbtedkennedy notes about collecting micro messages at Ted Kennedy's death
#grbtwtsearch about doing beta testing on Archivist and other search software #grbbarneyfrank notes about collecting micro messages about Barney Frank's town hall meeting 'put down'
  #grbkabul notes about collecting micro messges pre and post Afghan election
  #grbwelovethenhs notes about collecting micro messages from Brits that love NHS to US
#grbitp thoughts about the ITP section and scholarly communication #grbfreemediave notes about collecting micro messages of protest closing radio Venzuela
#itpconnect ideas about working ITP connect into scholarly communication #grbpublicface notes for paper about White House and new media first 8 months
  #grbinflection notes about communication change as inflection point
  #grbredundancy how to do many to few and identify the unique
#grbpreconf notes about preconference for 2009 APSA #grbbreakingnews connection between media and attention in new public domain
#itp09 notes about panel presentations at APSA 2009; ITP and Communication panels