The killer cold -- Anna had a cold. Anne had a cold. Anna was "ascending" from her cold, though she was still bothered by bronchial related coughing. Anne, on the other hand, was descending into the depths of a killer cold. She did not feel very good on the trip over. Sunday and Monday were worse. Tuesday was the depths. High fever, croaking instead of talking, pain in the throat, pain in the nose, pain in the head. Perhaps pain elsewhere. It was very unpleasant; it was bad. We hope that is as bad as it gets.

There was not much to do. We brought in a whole collection of patent cold medicines. Food was minimal -- two bananas during the day. Prepared soup from Safeway in the evening.

By evening she seemed brighter. Wednesday morning may be better.

Short of a miracle, we will put off the auto tour of the northwest of the north riding of Yorkshire for a week. There are Boynton places to visit there, but Anne is surely not going to be up to it. So we can do it from York instead of from Durham.